Given economic uncertainties and market volatility, many investors are turning to private markets in search of higher returns. Investing in a private fund with a pool of diversified assets allows investors to reduce concentration risk in their portfolios and benefit from the experience and expertise of professional management.

Global markets continue to see an increase in the deployment of capital from private sources, not just institutional ones. Private Funds specifically cater to that trend and allow families to define and manage their own investment risk appetite and strategy.

In particular, a Private Fund can allow a family to bring the next generation of a family on to company boards and to give them exposure to the management and governance of family assets and investment strategy. They also allow a family to introduce professional expertise so as to future-proof the management and oversight of family assets. Private Funds are also a preferred vehicle for club deals or joint ventures for investment with others from outside of the immediate family.

We expect to see the use of Private Funds continue, and for their use as a wealth-structuring tool to become more prevalent because the offering combines speed, flexibility and an appropriate light-touch regulatory regime that is clearly resonating with wealth managers and private client lawyers.

Key Features

Flexible structures with light-touch regulation
Diversification of asset portfolio
Easy to establish a risk appetite
Reduction of investment risk
Allows family members to invest together
Benefit of professional management

Key Contact

Naomi Rive

Group Director & Head of Private Wealth
+44 (0) 1534 480 601