More and more wealthy families are choosing to engage in charitable and philanthropic activities as a great way of uniting a family through the pursuit of common values, as well as embedding the idea of giving something back to a community at an early age.
HIGHVERN is able to ease the administrative burden that can often come with managing philanthropic interests in family wealth structures. These can range from charitable donations all the way through to the financial and administrative needs of a specialist family foundation. We have expertise in overseeing staffing, financial and regulatory reporting, and treasury assets for such charities, including where there are overseas tax filing and reporting obligations such as the USA.
We can offer guidance in establishing philanthropic objectives to give effect to a family’s wishes, with structures that are flexible enough to allow a client to carefully frame these objectives, whilst also controlling the release of funds to ensure they are used when most needed. Such structures can operate both during the lifetime of the settlor or founder and after their death to ensure continuity of support over many years.